The Zero Negative Association proposes a practical-theoretical path that goes beyond words to examine personal communication and provide communication tools that can be used daily on the job and in private life.

public speaking


An experiential process developed through theatrical techniques that together with the communicative ones produce a perfect alchemy to face fears, anxieties, dissatisfactions, discomforts, frustrations.

A workshop edited by Dr. Maria Acampa trainer-actress specialized in Marketing & Communication where you will work on self-esteem, listening, empathy, assertiveness to make your way to communicate effective.




The itinerant literary review Books in movement  is an event conceived and promoted, in a coordinated network strategy, by cultural associations operating in the Brescia area.

The Zero Negative association will be involved in the review giving life to the words of some authors, intervening with some dramatizations.

The usual appointments, always on Fridays, with national and international authors, are added a film festival, with a monthly meeting dedicated to the main theme, on Thursday at the Municipal Library of Concesio, curated by Video Amici of Cinema Sereno and a space Biblio / cinematographic exhibitions and studies at the Queriniana Library of Brescia. But other extraordinary events are coming ...


The topics covered in this edition are:

 - Walls, in January;

- Metropolis, in February;

 - Languages, in March;

 - Nourishments, in April;

- Metamorphosis, in May.


Zero Negative theater in collaboration with the holistic center "La Crisalide" proposes a NEW path where the art of body movement perfects itself and complets itself in the instrument of voice, with the purpose of coloring the words with the expression, to know each other by playing with yourself and live more!

"THEATER IN VOICE" an experimental journey that connects one's own self and voice through the incredible art of theater and singing.

Workshop “possibili confini”

The European Theatrical Institute in collaboration with the Zero Negative Association proposes an experiential path focused on the research, respect and valorisation of its own and other borders for healthy and nutritious relationships!

Through theatrical art, in a welcoming atmosphere, one will explore the meaning of one's own space and boundaries with each other.


The project "Regaliamoci emozioni" created by the doctors Maria Acampa, Elisa Bresciani and Luisa Mantovani comes from listening and the desire to give a gift to mom and dad.


You become a parent and this changes your life!


The joys are endless and there are also lot of difficulties. What mom and dad live every day with their children is one of the most difficult educational challenges of our times.



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